Cisco CCNP Training Course – Day 2 – ROUTE

So lets dive into Day 2,

One of the things I will also aim to do is re-create the topologies in Packet Tracer and upload the files for your use at some point in the future, here’s what we covered today;

  • EIGRP Cont…
  • EIGRP Authentication
  • EIGRP Summerization
  • EIGRP route propagation
  • EIGRP Stub Networks
  • EIGRP Timers
  • OSPF Intro



Lets refresh ourselves on the topology we are using for this routing protocolEigrp Topology

To change max paths for a route to a network

  • router eigrp [ASN]
  • maximum-paths [VALUE]

Unequal Load Balancing

  • router eigrp [ASN]
  • variance [VALUE]
  • Use “sh ip eigrp topology” and “sh ip route” for verifying configuration
EIGRP Authentication
  • From global configuration mode;
  • key chain [NAME]
  • Key [VALUE]
  • Key-string [VALUE]
  • accept-lifetime (Start[HH:MM:SS] [DD Month YY]) (End[HH:MM:SS] [DD Month YY])
  • send-lifetime (Start[HH:MM:SS] [DD Month YY]) (End[HH:MM:SS] [DD Month YY])
  • interface INT
  • ip authentication key-chain eigrp [ASN] [key chain name]
  • ip authentication mode eigrp [ASN] md5

To troubleshoot use “debug ip eigrp packets” and “show key chain”

Note: See below for screenshots

Example configuration
key chain CCNP
key 1
key-string cisco
accept-lifetime 10:00:00 02 sept 2014 10:15:00 02 sept 2014
send-lifetime 10:00:00 02 sept 2014 10:15:00 02 sept 2014
key 2
key-string cisco2
accept-lifetime 10:14:00 02 sept 2014 10:15:00 22 sept 2014
send-lifetime 10:14:00 02 sept 2014 10:15:00 22 sept 2014
key 3
key-string cisco3
accept-lifetime 10:00:00 02 sept 2014 10:15:00 02 sept 2014
send-lifetime 10:00:00 02 sept 2014 10:15:00 02 sept 2014
key 4
key-string cisco4
accept-lifetime 10:16:00 02 sept 2014 10:20:00 02 sept 2014
send-lifetime 10:16:00 02 sept 2014 10:20:00 02 sept 2014
key 5
key-string cisco5
accept-lifetime 10:19:00 02 sept 2014 10:25:00 02 sept 2014
send-lifetime 10:19:00 02 sept 2014 10:25:00 02 sept 2014
key 6
key-string cisco6
accept-lifetime 10:24:00 02 sept 2014 10:35:00 02 sept 2014
send-lifetime 10:24:00 02 sept 2014 10:35:00 02 sept 2014
interface ser0/0/0
ip authentication key-chain eigrp 100 CCNP
ip authentication mode eigrp 100 md5
interface ser0/0/1
ip authentication key-chain eigrp 100 CCNP
ip authentication mode eigrp 100 md5
debug eigrp packets

2014-09-02_10-14-00 2014-09-02_10-27-25 2014-09-02_10-26-00

EIGRP Summerization

Here is the above topology cut down slight, basically turn R4 off, and add some more loop back adapters to R1 and R3.

Eigrp Topology - Summerisation

Note: Fogive the shoddy displaying of the loopback adapters

To manually summarise addresses, first turn off auto summary

  • router eigrp [ASN]
  • no auto-summary

to enter a manual summerisation this is done at the interface level

  • interface INT
  • ip summary-address eigrp [ASN] [SUBNET] [NETMASK]

See the below screenshots showing the routing table before hand (take note of the routes in yellow)

then after entering the configuration, the show ip route command output again (take note of the yellow again.





EIGRP route propagation

Ok so take a look at the topology below, at the time of writing this, I wont be telling you how to set this up from scratch, the topics are covered in the CCNA, and if you can’t remember, it’s a good design to dig into, create on packet tracer and troubleshoot!

Eigrp Topology - Propegating routes

You’ll notice that by entering on Router 2

ip default network

This gives R1 a gateway of last resort.

Before config


After config – shows the config entered on R2 and then the output of R1 again


EIGRP Stub Networks

Send only connected routers

router eigrp [ASN]
eigrp stub connected

Eigrp stub connected

Send only summary of routes known

router eigrp [ASN]
eigrp stub summary

Eigrp stub summary

Send connected and summary routes (Default setting)

router eigrp [ASN]
eigrp stub

Eigrp stub connected and summary

Send no routes

router eigrp [ASN]
eigrp stub recieve-only

Eigrp stub send nothing

EIGRP Timers

Configured on the interface, in the topology examples this would be done on the serial interfaces

interface [INT]
ip hello-interval eigrp [ASN] [SECONDS]
ip hello-time eigrp [ASN] [SECONDS]

Usually what every you set at “hello-interval” you would times this by 3 for “hello-time


Ok so lets look at the topology first,  the switch needs to be flat with no config on, or at least all routers need to be in the same VLAN if you already configuring switches for yourself.

OSPF Topology

Im going to put all the notes from OSPF from Day 2 into Day 3 to keep it a little more consistent.

Ciao for now

Dean (Linkedin)



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