During my migration from vRSLCM 2.1 patch 2 to the latest version 8 release, I encountered the following error;
Error Code: LCMMIGRATION15102 vRSLCM Migration Failed with SSH is not enabled or Root credential invalid. Please make sure SSH is enabled or porvide the correct root credential by adding the credential to the home page locker app
Pretty obvious error, however the provided root credentials were correct, and I could use putty to connect to my existing LCM instance.
The fix
I spoke with an internal VMware employee about this, the suggestion was to just create the same authentication details again in the locker and chose them on the retry. However I decided to just go ahead and reset the SSH user on my old environment as a precaution as well.
1. Old LCM Instance > Go to Settings > System Administration
Scroll down find the section to reset the “root” user as below, enter the new password and confirm, then select save.
I would recommend you test connecting to the old LCM instance using ssh and the new creds at this stage.
2. New LCM instance, go to the locker app, and then click for passwords, you will see just icons on the left hand side but you can click the >> to expand the navigation pane.
3. Add your new credentials and save
4. Go back to Requests, find your failed task under “invokemigration” and select to retry.
You will be given an option to select which credentials you want to retry with, select your new credentials object and hit submit!
(This type of feature where you can respecify the variables on a retry is something I’ve asked for a lot!).
5. And fingers crossed you will then see the request complete successfully.