Welcome to my lightbulb moment

Good Evening,

This is the first step into the wide world of an idea which has been burning away at me for some time.

I am a;

  • IT Technician,
  • Engineer,
  • Teacher.

I am a geek.

Having spent as much time being educated as educating, as it is a never ending circle. I have decided that maybe I should contribute back to the world, and therefore I’ve decided to offer training materials. This website is not yet complete, and will in time change dramatically, as will our services, which will be defined by your needs and wishes.

Currently we are still in the early days of prepping and writing the content. But I have already shared my vision with people I believe whom can provide the community the same amount of enthusiasm as myself.

To quote an old cliche, “Watch this space”


Over and out, Dean.

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