Since before the Christmas break, I’ve not had a great deal to write about, in terms of break fix, as I’ve been busy studying to pass my CCNP exams, and now I’m under way with taking on further exams.
At the same time, I’ve also found some of my posts appearing on a daily round-up of blog posts on Michael White’s site So I’ve decided to do something similar, sharing links to some of the content I’ve found interesting and content I’ve been sharing at work recently.
This won’t be a regular thing they’ll I’ll be doing, but more ad-hoc, as I find that the tabs on my laptop and phone fill up quickly with a plethora blog posts which peak my interest, usually found on twitter, so this is what I’ll be sharing.
The Posts and Sites
First off, you need to check out Michael White’s website, found some great stuff through his newletters;
Promiscuous Portgroup Myth; An excellent write up on how the promiscuous portgroup on an ESXi host works.
Free Cloud Computing and Converged Infrastructure certification – Don’t miss it!; Who doesn’t love taking certifications? Who doesn’t love it when its free? on the RaviIT blog I found out that Rackspace have produce a free training course around cloud computing and exam to go with it. Secondly VCE have also brought out a free exam, the Converged Infrastructure Associate, which the first step on the ladder to becoming a master at designing and installing VCE systems. Similar to how the VMware VCA is the entry level exam. So get on it!
Understanding application containers and OS level virtualisation; Not a website I’ve come across before, however a nice quick summary about another buzzword from the end of 2014, containers.
Introducing ‘puppetinabox’: bootstrap a lab setup with Puppet; This is something I’m going to keep my eye on, Puppet is a coding language I’m hoping to start learning by the end of 2015, after PowerShell.
Powershell Baby Steps – Turning ON/OFF SSH on ESXi hosts; Wrote Nick Furnell who is a great evangelist of virtualisation and Nimble Storage, I was doing some ESXCLI changes to mutliple ESXi hosts for different customers, his quick script allowed me to turn on SSH quickly as needed.
Building the right network for your VMware NSX Deployment; This blog post caused a bit of a stir on twitter due to the way the content was delivered, however some more information on NSX, every litte helps
Troubleshooting NSX Layer 2 issues; NSX is the hot topic of the VMware ecosphere, and the subject I’m currently focusing my efforts on.; More a new website I found, whilst looking at info about the next Cisco exams I want to undertake, in particular I like the interviews with the Experts. And then there is a good page on free training.; Another website I stumbled upon, most recent information surrounding vRealize suite and NSX.; Yet another decent website found, this time on storage, whilst I was doing some research on SolidFire.
What Is Microsoft Azure? A Simple, Straightforward, and Jargon-Free Answer; Sometimes information like this is great to share with customers.; And another good website, I found this when reading up on Meraki wireless, as I have one of the free units which I’m currently running at home. Something which I will hopefully blog about soon.
So thats it for now, hopefully some of you out there will find it useful.