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How to delete vCenter Roles in VMC

The Issue

Whilst testing in VMC a PowerCLI script to create some vCenter roles, I noticed in the UI, then I deleted them, they remained, even though I was using the [email protected] account.

I also tried to delete them using PowerCLI and received the error message;

Remove-VIRole : 07/11/2020 09:00:42 Remove-VIRole Permission to perform this operation was denied. Required privilege 'VApp.PullFromUrls' on managed object with id 'Folder-group-d1'.
At line:1 char:1
+ Remove-VIRole OpenShift-Install
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Remove-VIRole], NoPermission
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_InventoryServiceImpl_RemoveRole_VIError,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.PermissionManagement.RemoveVIRole

You should not create roles with permissions higher than that of the CloudAdmin Account. You can find further information of these permissions here.

If you do this, the only fix is to log a support call with VMware to resolve.

The Fix

VMware have a KB for this issue and how to delete the vCenter roles.

To resolve you use the vCenter Managed Objects Browser (MOB).

Note: When using the MOB to make changes, users will not be prompted for confirmation before making any changes, including removing roles. A custom role can not have privileges higher than the CloudGlobalAdmin role.

First to view all your existing roles in your browser go to;

  •  https://{VMC_VC_FQDN}/mob/?moid=AuthorizationManager&doPath=roleList

This will list all roles, and note the roleId for the role you want to remove.

vCenter MOB AuthorizationRole

To remove a role:

  • Browse to
    • https://{VMC_VC_FQDN}/mob/?moid=AuthorizationManager&method=removeRole
  • In the “roleId (required)” field, enter the value of the role needing to be removed.
  • In the “failIfUsed (required)” field, enter “true” (without quotes).
  • Click “Invoke Method” once the information has been entered.
    If successful, the value returned is “Method Invocation Result: void”.

VMC Delete Role MOB

If the result is as displayed below, “Method Invocation Result: NoPermission”, then the role/privileged used by the role, is higher than that of the CloudAdmin account. As before, you need to log a support ticket with VMware to resolve this.

vCenter remove role error


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