VMware Cloud Foundation Header

Nested VCF Lab – Error while creating NFS datastore

Whilst deploying my nested VCF environment for my home lab, I kept hitting the same issue over and over again, even when I rolled the environment back and redeployed it.

VCF bring up error while creating NFS datastore

Error while creating NFS Datastore for host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

Looking into the debug log files on the Cloud Builder appliance found in the below location;

vcf-bringup-debug.log /var/log/vmware/vcf/bringup/

You can see basically the same error message, and not much help.

ERROR [c.v.e.s.o.model.error.ErrorFactory,pool-3-thread-7] [TP9EK1] VCF_HOST_CREATE_NFS_DATASTORE_FAILED

And the log ends with the below comments, I’ve left my Task ID numbers in, but obviously these are unique to my bring up;

DEBUG [c.v.e.s.o.c.ProcessingTaskSubscriber,pool-3-thread-7] Collected the following errors for task with name CreateNFSDatastoreOnHostsAction and ID 7f000001-6ed0-12cd-816e-d1f7a33f006f: [ExecutionError [errorCode=null, errorResponse=LocalizableErrorResponse(messageBundle=com.vmware.vcf.common.fsm.plugins.action.hostmessages)]]

DEBUG [c.v.e.s.o.c.ProcessingTaskSubscriber,pool-3-thread-19] Invoking task CreateNFSDatastoreOnHostsAction.UNDO Description: Mount Repository NFS Datastore on ESXi Hosts, Plugin: HostPlugin, ParamBuilder null, Input map: {hosts=SDDCManagerConfiguration____13__hosts, nasDatastoreName=SDDCManagerConfiguration____13__nasDatastoreName, nfsRepoDirPath=SDDCManagerConfiguration____13__nfsRepoDirPath, repoVMIp=SDDCManagerConfiguration____13__repoVMIp}, Id: 7f000001-6ed0-12cd-816e-d1f7a33f006e ...

DEBUG [c.v.e.s.o.c.c.ContractParamBuilder,pool-3-thread-19] Contract task Mount Repository NFS Datastore on ESXi Hosts input: {"hosts":[{"address":"","username":"root","password":"*****"},{"address":"","username":"root","password":"*****"},{"address":"","username":"root","password":"*****"},{"address":"","username":"root","password":"*****"}],"nasDatastoreName":"lcm-bundle-repo","nfsRepoDirPath":"/nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount","repoVMIp":""}

DEBUG [c.v.e.s.o.c.ProcessingTaskSubscriber,pool-3-thread-19] Collected the following errors for task with name CreateNFSDatastoreOnHostsAction and ID 7f000001-6ed0-12cd-816e-d1f7a33f006f: [ExecutionError [errorCode=null, errorResponse=LocalizableErrorResponse(messageBundle=com.vmware.vcf.common.fsm.plugins.action.hostmessages)]]

WARN  [c.v.e.s.o.c.ProcessingOrchestratorImpl,pool-3-thread-10] Processing State completed with failure

INFO  [c.v.e.s.o.core.OrchestratorImpl,pool-3-thread-15] End of Orchestration with FAILURE for Execution ID 8c9c5ab1-e48a-414e-9c4d-8936e6f12c91

The Fix

I struggled with this one for a while, at first I considered maybe an IP address conflict with the SDDC manager appliance, but it wasn’t that, I had the same issue after trying again with a different IP address.

I discussed this with our internal support, and I was pointed to the direction of KB 1005948.

When I followed the article, I noticed that the default vmkernel used to access my subnet and the subnet of my SDDC manager was VMK2, which is assigned for VSAN traffic;

[root@DL01ESX01PV:~] esxcfg-route -l

VMkernel Routes:

Network          Netmask          Gateway          Interface    Local Subnet     vmk2

default      vmk2

[root@DL01ESX01PV:~] esxcfg-vmknic -l

Interface  Port Group/DVPort/Opaque Network        IP Family IP Address                              Netmask         Broadcast       MAC Address       MTU     TSO MSS   Enabled Type                NetStack 

vmk2       7                                       IPv4                     00:50:56:6e:b9:41 8940    65535     true    STATIC              defaultTcpipStack

And when I looked at the export list for the NFS configuration of the SDDC Manager appliance, sure enough it was not configured to be accessed by the IP address listed in the above output.

cat /etc/exports

SDDC Manager

Now, the reason why this is happening for my nested setup is simple, basically I am using the same subnet to deploy my networks (Mgmt, vMotion, VSAN) on. Which is not a supported configuration for a VCF deployment, but hey this is a home lab so who cares?

VCF Deployment paramater xlsx hosts and networks

To fix this, I can either follow the KB article above on every single host, or I could just wildcard the exportfs list, which is exactly what I did.

SDDC Manager exportfs wildcard



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