Tag Archives: Permissions

AWS EKS Header

Quick Fix – AWS Console – Current user or role does not have access to Kubernetes objects on this EKS Cluster

The Issue

Once you’ve deployed an EKS cluster, and try to view this in the AWS Console, you are presenting the following message:

Your current user or role does not have access to Kubernetes objects on this EKS Cluster

AWS Console - Container Services - Current user or role does not have access to Kubernetes objects on this EKS Cluster

The Cause

This is because you need to run some additional configuration on your cluster to allow your AWS user IAM to access the cluster.

The Fix

Grab your User ARN from the Identity and Access Management (IAM) page.

aws console - user IAM

Download this template YAML file for configuring the necessary ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding and then apply it to your EKS cluster.

curl -o eks-console-full-access.yaml https://amazon-eks.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/docs/eks-console-full-access.yaml

kubectl apply -f eks-console-full-access.yaml

apply eks console full access configmap

Now edit the following configmap:

kubectl edit configmap/aws-auth -n kube-system

Add in the following under the data tree:

mapUsers: |
  - userarn: arn:aws:iam::3xxxxxxx7:user/[email protected]
    username: admin
      - system:masters

apply eks console full access - edit configmap

After a minute or so, once you revisit the EKS Cluster page in the AWS console, you will see all the relevant details.

AWS Console - Container Services - EKS cluster view


Dean Lewis

Veeam Backup for Azure Header 605

Veeam Backup for Azure – Unable to check required permissions.

The Issue

When connecting my newly deployed instance of Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure, I keep hitting the same error message after authenticating my account with Microsoft.

Error: Unable to check required permissions. This might be a problem in Microsoft Azure. Please wait and continue with the wizard later.

Simple enough message, I don’t have the right permissions, yet I knew on my test tenant I was a global admin, (and the only user configured in this tenant) so why was I seeing this error?

Veeam Backup for Azure Logon to Microsoft Azure

Veeam Backup for Azure Logon to Microsoft Azure Unable to check the required permissions

The cause

When I downloaded the logs, I found the following, it indicated that my account is connected to two tennants, both of the same name “Default Directory” to make things confusing, and the error was happening on the permissions check with the tenant.

Continue reading Veeam Backup for Azure – Unable to check required permissions.