Tag Archives: Route

cisco ccnp

Cisco CCNP Training – Bootcamp Roundup

So this post is mainly a big round-up of the day by day posts I made of my CCNP bootcamp notes.

Here is a list by topics covered each day to make it easier for you to jump into.

There is no TSHOOT posts at the moment, as the idea of TSHOOT is covered in ROUTE and SWITCH, however I will post something to do with troubleshooting in the future.

The training resources I used were

For my fancy Visio Diagrams, please find them on dropbox here. (I only ask that credit is given where used, as these were created by myself.) Examples below;

Policy-Based RoutingBGP Topologies - Full mesh - MPLSGateway Load Balacing Protocol

Cisco CCNP Training Course – Day 1 – ROUTE
  • EIGRP Timers
  • EIGRP Troubleshooting
  • EIGRP Lab Topolopy

Continue reading Cisco CCNP Training – Bootcamp Roundup

Cisco CCNP Training Course – Day 6 – SWITCH

Ok so my Switch exam is booked, so time to get back on top of blogging my bootcamp notes, which is going to be a bit hard now I’ve left it a few weeks.

So, to start, wiping a switches existing config

erase startup config
delete flash:vlan.dat 

VLANs Continue reading Cisco CCNP Training Course – Day 6 – SWITCH