Tag Archives: Upgrade Cluster

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Tanzu Mission Control – Upgrading attached Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Clusters fails with error “updates to immutable fields are not allowed”

The Issue

When trying to upgrade an attached Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Cluster via Tanzu Mission Control (TMC), that is either created by a Tanzu Management Cluster, or via the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service (vSphere with Tanzu), the console gives you an error message similar to:

API Error: Failed to upgrade cluster: (target=mc:01G4BGAVKHHB6C3JJ5R0WA44NM, intentId=01G4CMP025ZHEBQ000E4SM996H): admission webhook "default.validating.tanzukubernetescluster.run.tanzu.vmware.com" denied the request: updates to immutable fields are not allowed (invalid argument)
I’ve captured some screenshots below of the process.
Tanzu Mission Control - Upgrade vSphere with Tanzu Cluster - Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service  Tanzu Mission Control - Upgrade vSphere with Tanzu Cluster - Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service - Upgrade Cluster
Tanzu Mission Control - Upgrade Cluster - Error Message - admission webhook default.validating.tanzukubernetescluster.run.tanzu.vmware.com denied the request

The Cause

Tanzu Mission Control doesn’t keep information about the Tanzu Clusters CNI configuration. Today, TMC doesn’t support upgrading clusters that are provisioned using Callico. This is not documented in the TMC Documentation.

If you provision a cluster using TMC, it will use the Antrea CNI, and you cannot change this.

Below you can see that my cluster was provisioned using the Callico CNI.

Tanzu Mission Control - Upgrade Cluster Fails - kubectl get tanzukuberntescluster

The Fix

Upgrade the Tanzu Cluster outside of Tanzu Mission Control.


Dean Lewis