
Using PowerCLI to create Virtual Machine Port Groups

So basically I had a host failure where all of the configure was lost, if I was more savvy with Powershell/PowerCLI, I would have been able to rebuild it all via scripts, but that clones the settings from a working host.

But nevermind that is for a different day of learning.

So I configured the host to the point of Networking, so the vSwitches had the correct NICs, but I needed to do all the port groups, which in the GUI if you have a few to do is time consuming.

So in PowereCLI, pull all of your information, port-group names and VLAN IDs.

Get-Vmhost -name <FQDN of host> | Get-VirtualSwitch -name  | Get-VirtualPortGroup


To create a port-group

Get-Vmhost -name <FQDN of host> | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name  | New-VirtualPortgroup -Name "Name of PG" -VlanID

Obviously this is a very short crude method of achieving what I need, but here you can see the basic building blocks needed to create Port Group in PowerCLI.


2 thoughts on “Using PowerCLI to create Virtual Machine Port Groups

  1. Try this one for size champ..


    # Vsphere 5 Migration Script
    # Aaron Kent
    # 5-09-2013
    # Ask for host to use as migration host
    Get-vmhost | select Name
    $migrationHost = Read-Host ‘Please input Migration Host Name from list above – *01* will work if unique’
    Get-vmhost | select Name
    $destinationHost = Read-Host ‘Please input Destination Host Name from list above – *01* will work if unique’

    Get-View -ViewType DistributedVirtualSwitch | foreach {
    $VDSwitchName = $_.Name
    $VDSwitchMoRef = $_.MoRef
    #Create virtual Switch on host specified above
    Get-Datacenter pibutepr07 | New-virtualSwitch -VMHost $destinationHost -Name vsphere5_$VDSwitchName -NumPorts 1024 -Mtu 9000

    # Get all Distrubuted Port Groups on Cluster with VlanId

    Get-View -ViewType DistributedVirtualPortgroup | where {$_.Config.DistributedVirtualSwitch -eq $VDSwitchMoRef} | where {$_.Name -notlike “*Uplinks*”} | %{
    $portgroupname = $_.Name
    $portgroupVlanId = $_.Config.DefaultPortConfig.Vlan.VlanId

    # Take all Distrubuted Port Groups gathered above and add Standard Port Group to new Standard switch
    Write-Progress -Activity “Creating $portgroupname with vlan $portgroupVlanID” -Status “on $VDSwitchName”
    write-host vsphere5_$VDSwitchName

    Get-virtualSwitch $destinationHost -name vsphere5_$VDSwitchName | New-virtualportgroup -Name vs-$portgroupname -VlanId $portgroupVlanID
    #Configure the network adapters for each Virtual Switch as required
    #If a vswitch has two network adapters drop the second and place on the relative virtual switch
    #Be cautious with lavvc004 and lavvc005 as they are a bit more complicated

    Write-Host “Please configure the vmnics for the new virtual switches and press anykey to continue”
    Write-Host “You are about to start moving vm’s from the DV Switch to the new vphere 5 virtual switch press anykey to continue”

    #$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey(“NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown”)

    Write-Host “Make sure you have allocated at least one nic with the correct vlans to the new vsphere 5 switch.”


    I originally used to the script above to create virtual port groups from existing dvportgroups on the same host. But then had a similar issue to you and modified to copy from another host.. mind you it will still look up dvportgroups and not virtual port groups but you can change this will a little tweaking.. This is the reason a distributed switch is a great idea, you just add the host back to the distributed switch and done..

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