Tag Archives: 5.1

VMware Update Manager

Using VMware Update Manager to automatically download Dell Drivers to ESXi

Last year I wrote about how to use VMware Update Manager to download HP Drivers for ESXi,

Since then I’ve also found out you can add the following Dell repository into VMware Update manager;

  • http://vmwaredepot.dell.com/index.xml




<a href=”https://twitter.com/saintdle”>Dean</a> (<a href=”http://lnkd.in/bUUrNkB”>Linkedin</a>)

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Upgrade VCSA to VMware vCenter 6

So I jumped right in and upgraded my VCSA 5.5 to VCSA 6, you can find the official documentation and upgrade steps here.

Pre-Reqs from VMware

  •  Verify that the clocks of all machines on the vSphere network are synchronized. See Synchronizing Clocks on the vSphere Network.
  • Verify that the ESXi host on which you deploy the vCenter Server Appliance is not in lockdown or maintenance mode.
  • Verify that the vCenter Server SSL certificate for your existing vCenter Server Appliance is configured correctly. See VMware Knowledge Base article 2057223.
  • If you use an external database, back up the vCenter Server Appliance database.
  • Create a snapshot of the vCenter Server Appliance.

What you need before you start

Continue reading Upgrade VCSA to VMware vCenter 6

hp broken

HP-AMS Driver causes ESXi memory leak

So basically I had a customer hit by a known HP-AMS driver issue (KB2085618), the symptons were as follows;

  • Unable to vMotion a VM to another host, gives “operation timed out error”


  • If power off VM, vMotion a machine to another host, and then power on, you get the following error “Could not start VMX: msg.vmk.status.VMK_NO_MEMORY”


ESXi memory leak

This issue is caused by a memory leak in the driver which fills the SWAP memory of the ESXi host, making it unable to response to any requests at all,

For example, trying to enable SSH;


The Fix

Continue reading HP-AMS Driver causes ESXi memory leak

VMware Update Manager

Using VMware Update Manager to automatically download HP Drivers to ESXi

I stumbled across this little gem of a post yesterday, I tried to use the WordPress reblog feature, but it’s not working, so thanks to Kalle who wrote it.

So I’m going to blog it using screenshots from an environment I’ve set it up on.

With HP, you need to use the customized ESXi image to ensure you have all the correct drivers installed so ESXi works properly, which includes that sometimes pesky HPSA driver.

VIB links updated for November 2015 changes to HP Enterprise

What you can do

So basically you can add in the HP Drivers repository into your VMware Update Manager configuration, meaning you can pull down the drivers specific to your HP ESXi hosts for installation.

Keeping your environment happy and up-to-date.

How to set it up

Continue reading Using VMware Update Manager to automatically download HP Drivers to ESXi

2014 10 20 09 18 39

VMware 5.1 vCenter Appliance – Call “EventHistoryCollector.SetLatestPageSize” for object “SessionID” on vCenter Server failed.

So I noticed an issue when using the vSphere Client to connect to the VMware vCenter Server Appliance was appearing every now and again.

Call “EventHistoryCollector.SetLatestPageSize” for object “SessionID” on vCenter Server “ServerName” failed. (unfortunately didnt take a screenshot, so here’s one I found and modified).

2014-10-20_09-18-39 Continue reading VMware 5.1 vCenter Appliance – Call “EventHistoryCollector.SetLatestPageSize” for object “SessionID” on vCenter Server failed.