Tag Archives: Cleanup

VMware Fusion Header

Script to uninstall and cleanup VMware Fusion

The VMware Fusion KB to remove the software makes reference to a number of areas you need to manually cleanup, so below a little script which closes the application, uninstalls the app and removes the files.

Note: Uses sudo to elevate permissions for running the command.

To run the script:

chmod +x vmware_fusion_uninstall_and_cleanup.sh

# Adding sudo to the start of this command will bypass the need to provide further passwords as the script runs
sudo ./vmware_fusion_uninstall_and_cleanup.sh

Script Summary from ChatGPT – Because why not!

  • The provided script is a convenient and efficient way to uninstall VMware Fusion, a virtualization software, on macOS. It also performs a cleanup to remove related files and directories.
  • The script is designed to be executed in the Terminal, and it ensures elevated privileges (sudo) where necessary to perform system-level tasks.
  • The script starts by force killing VMware Fusion if it is running, ensuring a smooth uninstallation process.
  • Next, it moves the VMware Fusion application bundle from the /Applications folder to the Trash, effectively uninstalling the software.
  • The script then proceeds with the removal of various files and directories associated with VMware Fusion, cleaning up the system and freeing disk space.
  • The targeted files and directories include configuration files, caches, and preferences related to VMware Fusion.
  • Using a script for cleanup ensures that no traces of VMware Fusion are left behind, avoiding potential conflicts with other software or future installations.
  • However, users are advised to exercise caution when running scripts with sudo privileges, as it grants significant control over the system and can cause unintended consequences if used incorrectly.
  • A backup of important data is recommended before proceeding with the uninstallation and cleanup.
  • This script is suitable for users who want a streamlined and automated way to uninstall VMware Fusion and remove associated files on macOS.


Dean Lewis


VDI Cleanup script I use before sealing any golden image before deployment

Below is the VDI Cleanup script that I’ve been using over the years. I thought I’d post this after setting up a Horizon Lab environment. I shared it earlier in the year on Reddit, and had some good suggestions which I used to update the script. The script has been taken from other blogs over the years and just edited further and further for my own/customers needs.

Optimizations to any master are done using the VMware OS Optimization Tool.

I personally just run this as bat file to clean up and shut down the master template as a final step each time I make an update.

You can find the script on Github here, or below.

REM ************************************************
REM Stopping and disabling Windows Telemetry service
REM ************************************************
sc stop DiagTrack
sc config DiagTrack start= disabled
sc stop dmwappushservice
sc config dmwappushservice start= disabled
REM *********************
REM Stop and disable Windows update service
REM *********************
sc stop wuauserv
sc config wuauserv start= disabled
REM *********************
REM Delete any existing shadow copies
REM *********************
vssadmin delete shadows /All /Quiet
REM *********************
REM delete files in c:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\
REM *********************
del c:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*.* /f /s /q
REM *********************
REM delete hidden install files
REM *********************
del %windir%\$NT* /f /s /q /a:h
REM *********************
REM delete prefetch files
REM *********************
del c:\Windows\Prefetch\*.* /f /s /q
REM *********************
REM Update OEM Information with Build Date
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation /v Model /d "Build %DATE%" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f
REM *********************
REM Run Disk Cleanup to remove temp files, empty recycle bin
REM and remove other unneeded files
REM Note: Makes sure to run c:\windows\system32\cleanmgr /sageset:1 command 
REM       on your initially created parent image and check all the boxes 
REM       of items you want to delete 
REM *********************
c:\windows\system32\cleanmgr /sagerun:1
REM ********************
REM Defragment the VM disk
REM ********************
sc config defragsvc start= auto
net start defragsvc
defrag c: /U /V
net stop defragsvc
sc config defragsvc start = disabled
REM *********************
REM Clear all event logs
REM *********************
wevtutil el 1>cleaneventlog.txt
for /f %%x in (cleaneventlog.txt) do wevtutil cl %%x
del cleaneventlog.txt
REM *********************
REM release IP address
REM *********************
ipconfig /release
REM *********************
REM *********************
ipconfig /flushdns
REM *********************
REM Shutdown VM
REM *********************
shutdown /s /t 0

