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Enabling Tanzu Mission Control Data Protection on Red Hat OpenShift

Just a quick blog on how to get the Data Protection feature of Tanzu Mission Control on Red Hat OpenShift. By default you will find that once the data protection feature is enabled, the pods for Restic component of Velero error.

  • Enable the Data Protection Feature on your Openshift cluster

TMC Cluster Overview enable data protection

  • You will see the UI change to show it’s enabling the feature.

TMC Enabling Data Protection 2

  • You will see the Velero namespace created in your cluster.

TMC oc get projects velero vmware system tmc

However the “Data Protection is being enabled” message in the TMC UI will continue to show without user intervention. If you show the pods for the Velero namespace you will see they error.

This is because OpenShift has a higher security context out of the box for containers than a vanilla Kubernetes environment.

TMC oc get pods restic error crashloopbackoff

The steps to resolve this are the same for a native install of the Project Velero opensource install to your cluster.

  • First we need to add the velero service account to the privileged SCC.
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z velero -n velero

TMC oc adm policy add scc to user privileged velero

  • Secondly we need to patch the DaemonSet to allow the containers for Restic run in a privileged mode.
oc patch ds/restic \
--namespace velero \
--type json \
-p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/securityContext","value": { "privileged": true}}]'

After this, if we run the command to get all pods under the Velero namespace again, we’ll see that they are replaced with the new configuration and running.

TMC oc get pods restic running

Going back to our TMC Console, we’ll see the Data Protection feature is now enabled.

TMC data protection enabled


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