Tag Archives: image

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Using Docker to update and commit to a container image

I was helping a customer build some customized automation tasks using vRealize Automation Codestream. These tasks required the use of a container image with certain tools installed, usually we can include a CI task to download the tools into the container image on the fly. However, my customer’s environment is offline, so I needed to provide them a container image with everything installed by default.

Before we dive into the process of running a container and committing the changes, it is recommended where possible to create a new docker file that would build your docker image as needed with the associated commands such as the below:

FROM node:12-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache python g++ make
COPY . .
RUN yarn install --production
CMD ["node", "src/index.js"]

Committing changes to a container image in this way can cause the image to become bloated. But sometimes there’s a need to do just do it this way.

Pull the image you want to update
docker pull {image location/name}

docker pull image

Check your images and get the ID
docker images

For the next command, we will need the Image ID.docker images

Run your image as an active container
docker run -it {Image_ID} /bin/bash

This will then drop you into the tty of the running container.

docker run -it image_id bash

Modify your container

Continue reading Using Docker to update and commit to a container image


vCenter 7.0 – Image based backup is still supported, but won’t be in future versions

When vSphere 7.0 (and therefore vCenter 7.0) went GA, a number of customers were hit with a very important change;

  • vCenter support for image based backups was no longer supported

Since the GA, after customer feedback, the vCenter 7.0 release notes have been updated and I’m happy to report that Image based backups are still supported.

However, note that this method is now deprecated and will not be supported in a future release.

My advice is to start planning your move to using the native backup capabilities within the vCenter appliance itself, and for further information please see the following resources;

vCenter 7.0 imaged based backups supported but deprecated in the future


