Tag Archives: kpack

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First Look – Setup Tanzu Build Services and rebuilding Pac-Man

This blog post will detail how to setup Tanzu Build Services in a test environment, and then create a container image from a dockerfile, fixing several vulnerabilities compared to the current container image.

What is Tanzu Build Service?
Tanzu Build Service uses the open-source Cloud Native Buildpacks project to turn application source code into container images. 

Build Service executes reproducible builds that align with modern container standards, and additionally keeps image resources up-to-date. It does so by leveraging Kubernetes infrastructure with kpack, a Cloud Native Buildpacks Platform, to orchestrate the image lifecycle. 

Build Service helps you develop and automate containerized software workflows securely and at scale.

You can read more about the Tanzu Build Services concepts here.


Have an accessible Image Registry to both your local client and your Kubernetes cluster.

  • I used Dockerhub for my lab environment.

Install the Carvel tools.

  • kapp is a deployment tool that allows users to manage Kubernetes resources in bulk.
  • ytt is a templating tool that understands YAML structure.
  • kbld is needed to map relocated images to k8s config.
  • imgpkg is tool that relocates container images and pulls the release configuration files.
brew tap vmware-tanzu/carvel

brew install ytt kbld kapp imgpkg kwt vendir

Install the kp cli tool.

# Download from the Tanzu Network pages

chmod +x kp-linux-0.4.0 
sudo mv kp-linux-0.4.0 /usr/bin/local/kp

# Install using Brew

brew tap vmware-tanzu/kpack-cli
brew install kp

# Download from GitHub Releases Page
curl -LJO https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/kpack-cli/releases/download/v0.4.2/kp-linux-0.4.2
chmod +x kp-linux-0.4.2
sudo mv kp-linux-0.4.2 /usr/bin/local/kp
Installing Tanzu Build Services

Log in to your registry that will host the Build Services containers and be used by your Kubernetes cluster Continue reading First Look – Setup Tanzu Build Services and rebuilding Pac-Man