Tag Archives: Experience

VCP merch

Exam Experience – VMware VCP6-DT #vDM30in30

Today I took the VCP6-DT exam. It will be retired on 30th November 2015. And is replaced by the VCP6-DTM exam, as part of the VMware exam overhaul.

So why take an expiring exam?

Well VMware is kindly going to upgrade it to the VCP6-DTM anyway.


I’ve spent a number of years as a VMware customer running a large VDI deployment, from administration to re-architecture of the environment. I never took the exam due to a number of reasons. One being the course requirement, and the fact my employer would not send me on a £2500+ training course. Since then I’ve done my VCP6-NV and my VCP5-DCV, so slowly I’ve chiselled away at going through the topics and preparing myself for the VCP6-DT, so with them offering to upgrade it, and the fact I don’t really touch some of the newer products (app volumes, air watch etc). I decided to stick with the VCP6-DT.

So whats the difference between the VCP6-DT and VCP6-DTM?

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ccnp datacenter large

Exam Experience – Cisco CCNP Datacenter – 642-998 Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCD) – #vDM30in30


Sorry for the long title.

There is two reasons as to why you would be taking this exam. The first is because you want to achieve the CCNP Datacenter title, or the second is because your company requires you to, so they can achieve the Unified Computing Technology Specialization.

My reason was the second, but the Cisco Datacenter track is something I am interested in in the long run.

If your going for the partner route like me, you are not required to have the CCNA DC under your belt. But if you want to achieve the CCNP DC, you need to complete the correct pre-reqs, which can be found here.

The exam is 90 minutes with around 70 questions. The recommendation is to undertake the Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing course from an authorised Cisco Learning Partner. Which is exactly what I did, and then sat the exam straight after.

I will blog about the course separately.


Exam Experience

So the exam was the usual Cisco, its made of majority multiple choice questions, and I also had two small testlets.

Continue reading Exam Experience – Cisco CCNP Datacenter – 642-998 Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCD) – #vDM30in30

veeam 2014 logo color tag

Veeam VMCE v8 Exam Experience

I’ve completed and passed the Veeam VMCE v8 exam, having done the v7 exam some time ago.


The official deadline is 15th May, to upgrade from v7 exam to the v8 exam, miss this deadline and you need to take the full course within 90 days and pass the exam to keep your status, anything after this your status will end as a VMCE and you will need to take the full course and exam to re-ignite it. So basically after the 15th May you need to take the full course.


To be completely honest, I wasn’t that impressed by the course and exam for version 7, and had our partner status with Veeam not relied on me doing the exam, I wouldn’t have bothered this time around.

Course Material

Continue reading Veeam VMCE v8 Exam Experience


Looking back at a VMware VDI Deployment

My good friend Nathan Bryne wrote a good post about “Do I really need to do a Desktop Assessment?“, which got me thinking.

I worked at a college for around 3 years where we had a 1000 seat VMware View VDI deployment. I started working there just after the college had decided to go all-in on VDI and purchased the equipment, as most of their student machines were getting to 5 years old, and in some areas 7 years old.

The highlights of this were;

2012-06-29 15.35.12IMAG0390 IMAG0400 IMAG0391Dell Blade to SAN Array - Both environments

Continue reading Looking back at a VMware VDI Deployment


Cisco CCNP 624-813 Switch Exam Experience


So I took and passed my CCNP Switch Exam on Monday morning. 934 out of 1000.

I’ve been meaning to do my CCNP for the past two and a half years, since I passed my CCNA, which doesn’t expire until April 2015, but will be renewed now due to the pass on switch exam.

As you may know, the current 642 CCNP series exams will be retired on 29th January, so I chose this as my hard deadline to pass the exam.

The training resources I used were

You can find my revision notes here.

Exam Experience

Continue reading Cisco CCNP 624-813 Switch Exam Experience