Tag Archives: CBT

VMware Change Block Tracking Issue - Header

vSphere data loss bug returns – CBT issues in vSphere ESXI 8.0 update 2

The Issue

I keep saying, there are no new ideas in technology, just re-hashes of old ones. That is also true for VMware and their data loss issues.

The vSphere-based change block tracking (CBT) bug is back! I think I wrote 5 articles on this back in 2014/2015 with explanations and fixes!

Veeam reported this at the start of week commencing 11th December 2023, with VMware confirming the issue by the end of the same week.

The Cause

Change block tracking is the feature used to see which blocks of data have changed since a known point in time, to enable backup software to capture only the incremental changes.

If this feature fails, you could lose data in your backups, as the backup software doesn’t know which blocks to protect.

as per VMware:

CBT's QueryChangedDiskAreas may lose some data changed on the disk after disk is hot-extended.
It only happens on ESXi 8.0u2.
The Fix/Workaround

Directly from VMware’s newly published KB, which took them only a few days to confirm this behaviour after Veeam noticed at the start of the week!

  • Resolution
    • Unfortunately, there is no fix available for this bug at this time. However, you can use the following workaround to work around the issue until a fix is released
  • Workaround
    1. Reset CBT after disk is hot-extended. Then, user need to take a full backup immediately.
      It does not fix existing backups, but it makes sure the new ones are good.
    2. Or, user extend disk in offline.

You cannot fix your existing incremental backups if they have been affected, if they missed the correct data to backup, it’s been missed! But you can run an Active Full backup to capture everything, certainly for Veeam this is the case, other backup vendors you’ll need to double check with!

How do I reset Change Block Tracking?

If you are using Veeam, you can just perform an Active Full backup, and ensure the reset CBT option is configured. This is enabled by default.

If you aren’t using Veeam, then the following will be your next steps.

To reset Change Block Tracking, as per this older VMware KB article from the last time this was an issue. VMware may update this article or produce another one now this recent bug has been found.

  • Find your VM in the vCenter Client
    • Power the VM off
    • Click the Options tab, select the Advanced section and then click Configuration Parameters.
  • Disable CBT for the virtual machine by setting the ctkEnabled value to false.
  • If you need to do this for specific virtual disks attached to your virtual machine
    • Disable CBT by configuring the scsix:x.ctkEnabled value for each attached virtual disk to false. (scsix:x is SCSI controller and SCSI device ID of your virtual disk.)
  • Ensure there are no snapshot files (.delta.vmdk) present in the virtual machine’s working directory. For more information, see Determining if there are leftover delta files or snapshots that VMware vSphere or Infrastructure Client cannot detect (1005049).
  • Delete any -CTK.VMDK files within the virtual machine’s working directory.

Now power on your virtual machine.

Depending on your backup software vendor, you may need to manually re-enable Change Block Tracking, you can find a full list of steps and considerations in this VMware KB article. It’s essentially power down the VM, enable in value again in configuration parameters.


Let’s hope VMware produces a fix for this quickly, I remember they had this issue in vSphere 5.5 and 6.0 and some fixes didn’t resolved the issue, it was a pain being a consultant having to install fixes at customers sites.

It’s good that VMware have only taken a short amount of time to validate this bug and publish something officially about it!



Dean Lewis

Paris Tuileries Garden Facepalm statue

Further ESXi 6.0 CBT bug info – Reset your CBT!!!

Following on from the recent (November 2015) ESXi 6.0 CBT bug, which has now been fixed in the latest released patch ESXi600-201511401-BG, some further information has come to light, provided by Anton Gostev, of Veeam.

You can read the snippet of important information from the Veeam forum post following the issue (Official Veeam KB2075);

All, we have completed the first day of testing in the same exact lab and using the same heavy write I/O test that made the original issue easily reproducible. After a few TB of increments, the above-mention patch appears to fully resolve the original issue when installed on ESX 6.0 Update 1a build 3073146.

However, we found that simply installing the patch is not sufficient, and CBT reset is required for all of your VMs. This is because existing CBT map files may contain issues created earlier due to the original bug, which may result in inconsistent full backups in future. Having CBT reset will also force the following job run use "full scan" incremental pass, thus fixing any existing inconsistencies in backups and replicas, as discussed earlier in this topic.

Provided CBT reset has been performed, Active Full backups is not required.

Performing Active Full backups by itself cannot be considered as a substitute to CBT reset with this particular CBT issue.


You can either follow the CBT Reset instructions from Veeam or look over to Chris Wahl’s latest blog post “Resetting VMware’s Changed Block Tracking (CBT) File with PowerCLI”.



Smashing Laptop With Hammer

ESXi 6.0 CBT Issue KB 2136854 – Resolved #vDM30in30

I wrote about the latest CBT issue (November edition) a couple of days ago, and as promised by VMware a patch has been released.

Original issue – KB 2136854

Patch to resolve the issue – ESXi600-201511001 (2137545)

Note: Before applying this patch on HP Proliant Gen 9 servers, see VMware ESXi 6.0 host fails to detect local disk after patching or applying Update 1 on HP Proliant Gen 9 servers (2120539).


Cheers VMware, lets hope this is the last of the CBT issues!!!



Patch Released – Major bug in VMware’s CBT function. KB2090639

VMware have finally released a patch to fix the Major CBT bug that causes your backups to be corrupted because the changed blocks are reported incorrectly.

Within the release notes for the 5.5 latest patch, its kind of hidden away to the point that  I missed it the first time.

When you use backup software that uses the Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) API call QueryChangedDiskAreas(), the list of allocated disk sectors returned might be incorrect and incremental backups might appear to be corrupt or missing. A message similar to the following is written to vmware.log: 

DISKLIB-CTK: Resized change tracking block size from XXX to YYY 

For more information, see KB 2090639.

You can get the patches below for your version of choice, however there is no fix for ESXi 4.x yet.

ESXi 5.0 Patch 10 – Patch information

ESXi 5.1 Update 3 – Patch Information

ESXi 5.5 Patch 4 – Patch Information

You will need your my.vmware.com login details to access the patch repository to download the zip file, then just import it into your VMware Update Manager within Admin View.




2014 10 27 11 15 03

Major bug in VMware’s CBT function. KB2090639 (Causes data corruption for backups)

Updated 29.01.15 – Please see this new post for the patch fix

So on twitter I found out that VMware CBT has a bit of a fault, the tweet linked me to reddit here.

Basically CBT has a fault where if you are using CBT on a VMDK file thats <128GB, and then increase this file >128GB, still using CBT. The query used to process the data blocks in use may return the wrong value, meaning your backups are corrupt, because they have backed up the wrong files.

Heres the official VMware KB2090639.

Heres Veeam’s KB1940 (Now includes hotfix).

Finally the Symantec KB <<< Now down due to been changed to a tech note from a KB????

Quick Summary of issue
Basically if your disk is below 128GB, your fine, 

If you disk is extended over 128GB, you might suffer the issue.

If your disk is over 128GB, you should be fine, unless you extended it over 128GB, then you may not be fine.
Are virtual machines grown in smaller increments affected?
The amount of space the virtual disk is extended is not relevant, the increment of space by which a virtual disk is extended is not relevant.
Virtual machine is affected when the disk is grown past the 128G boundary in absolute size. The issue is triggered at other sizes which are a power of 2 from 128G up. For example: 256G, 512G, and 1024G.

The other spanner in the works is basically VMware say if you do match the above criteria, you still may not experience the issue, there is someone on the reddit forums who has suffered this issue for 2 years, and VMware nor Veeam have found a fix.

It would seem that this issue affects VMDK’s when you go past any 128GB boundary, scroll down to the Symantec statement for more information.

On the Reddit post, users have contacted VMware for a clarification of the issue;

Just had this in from VMware support "Yes the vmdk which is extended by 20 GB ten times will be affected with this issue as the expansion of disk is more than 128 GB when added together."

Also to add that just because a VMDK has had extensions which mean that it is affected VMware said it doesn't necessarily mean it will be affected - so you wouldn't be able to reproduce this error 100% of the time.
So how wide spread is this issue?

Well it depends on your Backup Software, if you’ve changed a VMDK file size from below 128GB to over that, and how long your retention period is, and the software you use.

If your backup software is agent based, it is probably unaffected, as it will pull information from the Guest OS. Where as non agent based, if using VADP, will be affected. Either way, check with your Software Vendor.

If you’re using Veeam SureBackup feature, this can do a consistency check on your backups, and if everything passes, then you should have any issues. (I’m planning on writing a quick blog on how to set up this kind of Job.)


Always run a Full Active Backup after making any changes!!!!

Solution 1 – offered by Veeam:

Go to this KB1940.

Apply the following hotfix to protect your backups.

1. Make sure you are running Veeam Backup and Replication (patch 4) otherwise obtain a patch vee.am/kb1891
2. Stop all Veeam services
3. Replace DLL's in C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup
4. Start Veeam services

Veeam Backup and Replication 8 has a built-in solution for this issue.

The above hotfix essentially performs the below manual steps, which Veeam released as a workaround upon discovering the issue.

Reset CBT on all your backed up VM’s, by disabling it, and letting Veeam re-enable it automatically when it backups up a machine. Obviously this will add overhead on your backup processing and time taken to complete the backup.

You can do this using PowerCLI, which I found from VMware’s KB2075984 here, you need to change the highlighted text to $False

Get-VM | Get-View | foreach {
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$spec.changeTrackingEnabled = $true
$taskMoRef = $_.ReconfigVM_Task($spec)

I’m not sure if other backup products will work with the same workaround, you will need to consult the documentation.

There is a secondary script posted in the Veeam communities link below, which disables CBT and then creates and removes a snapshot, which commits the changes

$vms=get-vm | ?{$_.ExtensionData.Config.ChangeTrackingEnabled -eq $true}
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec 
$spec.ChangeTrackingEnabled = $false
foreach($vm in $vms){ 
$snap=$vm | New-Snapshot -Name 'Disable CBT' 
$snap | Remove-Snapshot -confirm:$false}

As always, do your own testing first!!!

Solution 2 – offered by me

If possible, then you can also reset CBT by using Storage vMotion to another datastore. This obviously works if you have the space available, if not, then create a small partition big enough for one VM at a time, Storage vMotion to this temporary datastore, then move it back to its original location.

However VMware have KB2048201 that says pre 5.5u2, this may cause an issue with your backups. However Veeam recommend running a Active Full Backup after any changes, although their testing has shown it is not needed. Better safe than no backups eh?

So I contacted via Twitter, ArcServ, Symantec and Dell Appsure, for commends, below are from the vendors who have replied or released something;

Veeam statement

Heres the current statement from Veeam, which was included in a round-up email sent to customer, but can also be found on the Veeam Communities.

Unfortunately, I also have some not so good news to share. Earlier this month, VMware has quietly published a KB article about pretty terrible CBT bug that exists in all versions of ESX(i) since changed block tracking functionality was first introduced. 

We have been working directly with VMware to confirm the exact scope of the issue and update the KB article with more details. But the main point is that your backups and replicas for all VMs that had its virtual disk size expanded beyond 128 GB at some point may be unrecoverable. 

We are working on a hot fix for both 7.0 Patch 4 and 8.0 code branches that will reset CBT automatically upon detecting source virtual disk size change. 

Meanwhile, I recommend manual CBT reset for all VMs that had their virtual disks expanded at some point by disabling CBT (the following Veeam job run will re-enable CBT automatically). 

Perhaps, just disabling CBT on all VMs with a PowerCLI script might be the best idea - but keep in mind that the following job runs will take much longer, so best is to do this before the weekend.

These kind of issues always make me stress the importance of SureBackup. Many users consider setting up SureBackup jobs to be a low priority when compared to actual backups - however, only SureBackup is able to catch these kind of issues. 

Interestingly enough, a lot of people seem to recognize the importance of backup integrity testing, in fact our Backup Validator tool seems to be very popular. I do agree that integrity checks are important, in fact I have dedicated the entire VeeamON breakout session to "classic" data corruption issues. However, integrity checks will not detect corruption issues similar to the above. And yet, these sort of issues are much more common. 

I cannot stress this enough, especially in light of enhancements we are adding to our Backup Validator tool in v8. These enhancements are based on your feedback, but they do not mean that Backup Validator is the future. It has its use in detecting storage level corruptions, but only SureBackup can guarantee you the ability to recover.
Symantec statement

So they got back to me on twitter and also emailed with the below;

This was from Elias AbuGhazaleh (Twitter Handle: @BE_Elias or @Backupexec)

The guys at BE have excelled theirselves in creating a dialog with me about the issue and providing information. So hats off to them.

Update 30/10/2014; I recieved the following update from Elias today;

In our internal testing we have concluded that CBT will ALWAYS be incorrect after extending a virtual disk past the 128GB boundary. The issue is not related to the QueryChangeDiskAreas() API call but rather the CBT info itself. As such, regardless if the QueryChangeDiskAreas is called with ‘*’ or a timestamp CBT will be incorrect. This does not result in data loss in all cases; it could be over-reporting of changed blocks as well.

Symantec engineering is actively investigating ways we can mitigate the issue in our products (Backup Exec & NetBackup). As there is no way of detecting if a VM is affected, no backup product can be fully immune from this issue. The recommended course of action to take is to reset CBT for any VM that has a vmdk greater than 128GB.

Symantec now had an official KB225910 out, but its been pulled to changed into tech note apparently, and it would seem they have been doing a lot of testing, this is the most interesting part;

VMware Policies with Block Level Increment Backup enabled OR any VMware Policy backing up a virtual machine the has CBT enabled where the virtual disk (vmdk) has been resized to cross the following boundaries: 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, 1024GB. These are the boundaries we have discovered in internal testing to be affected and there may be additional boundaries affected.

The root cause is the Changed Block Tracking information is getting corrupted when crossing these boundaries.

Finally, I shout out to Aaron Meza @aaronmeza for also conversing with me on/offline via twitter and Linkedin, he has helped me understand the situation better, and the efforts put in by Symantec to work with VMware in defining this issue and hopefully finding some sort of work around.

Dell Statement

I’ve been taking to Gina Minks ‏@gminks (Product Marketing Manager for Dell AppAssure). Below is them confirming this issue doesnt affect them;


