Tag Archives: CSI

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OpenShift 4.10 on VMware – Introducing the out-of-the-box vSphere CSI Driver installation

OpenShift Container Platform defaults to using an in-tree (non-CSI) plug-in to provision vSphere storage.

What’s New?

In OpenShift 4.9, the out-of-the-box installation of the vSphere CSI driver was tech preview. This has now moved to GA!

This means during an Installer-Provisioned-Installation cluster bring up, the vSphere CSI driver will be enabled.

This is part of the future “journey” of OpenShift to CSI drivers. As you may be aware, the original storage implementations “in-tree” drivers will be removed from future versions of Kubernetes, making way for the CSI Drivers, a better storage integration implementation.

OpenShift Storage - Journey to CSI

Therefore, the Red Hat team have been working with the upstream native vSphere CSI Driver, which is open-source and VMware Storage team, to integrating into the OpenShift installation.

The aim here is two-fold, take further advantage of the VMware platform, and to enable CSI Migration. So that is easier for customers to migrate their existing persistent data from in-tree provisioned storage constructs to CSI provisioned constructs.

How do I enable this?

Continue reading OpenShift 4.10 on VMware – Introducing the out-of-the-box vSphere CSI Driver installation

vSphere Kubernetes Drivers Operator - Red Hat OpenShift - Header

Using the new vSphere Kubernetes Driver Operator with Red Hat OpenShift via Operator Hub

What is the vSphere Kubernetes Driver Operator (VDO)?

This Kubernetes Operator has been designed and created as part of the VMware and IBM Joint Innovation Labs program. We also talked about this at VMworld 2021 in a joint session with IBM and Red Hat. With the aim of simplifying the deployment and lifecycle of VMware Storage and Networking Kubernetes driver plugins on any Kubernetes platform, including Red Hat OpenShift.

This vSphere Kubernetes Driver Operator (VDO) exposes custom resources to configure the CSI and CNS drivers, and using Go Lang based CLI tool, introduces validation and error checking as well. Making it simple for the Kubernetes Operator to deploy and configure.

The Kubernetes Operator currently covers the following existing CPI, CSI and CNI drivers, which are separately maintained projects found on GitHub.

This operator will remain CNI agnostic, therefore CNI management will not be included, and for example Antrea already has an operator.

Below is the high level architecture, you can read a more detailed deep dive here.

vSphere Kubernetes Drivers Operator - Architecture Topology

Installation Methods

You have two main installation methods, which will also affect the pre-requisites below.

If using Red Hat OpenShift, you can install the Operator via Operator Hub as this is a certified Red Hat Operator. You can also configure the CPI and CSI driver installations via the UI as well.

  • Supported for OpenShift 4.9 currently.

Alternatively, you can install the manual way and use the vdoctl cli tool, this method would also be your route if using a Vanilla Kubernetes installation.

This blog post will cover the UI method using Operator Hub.


Continue reading Using the new vSphere Kubernetes Driver Operator with Red Hat OpenShift via Operator Hub

vSphere and CSI Header

Upgrading the vSphere CSI Driver (Storage Container Plugin) from v2.1.0 to latest

In this post I’m just documenting the steps on how to upgrade the vSphere CSI Driver, especially if you must make a jump in versioning to the latest version.

Upgrade from pre-v2.3.0 CSI Driver version to v2.3.0

You need to figure out what version of the vSphere CSI Driver you are running.

For me it was easy as I could look up the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid release notes. Please refer to your deployment manifests in your cluster. If you are still unsure, contact VMware Support for assistance.

Then you need to find your manifests for your associated version. You can do this by viewing the releases by tag. 

Then remove the resources created by the associated manifests. Below are the commands to remove the version 2.1.0 installation of the CSI.

kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/vsphere-csi-driver/v2.1.0/manifests/latest/vsphere-7.0u1/vanilla/deploy/vsphere-csi-controller-deployment.yaml

kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/vsphere-csi-driver/v2.1.0/manifests/latest/vsphere-7.0u1/vanilla/deploy/vsphere-csi-node-ds.yaml

kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/vsphere-csi-driver/v2.1.0/manifests/latest/vsphere-7.0u1/vanilla/rbac/vsphere-csi-controller-rbac.yaml

vsphere-csi - delete manifests

Now we need to create the new namespace, “vmware-system-csi”, where all new and future vSphere CSI Driver components will run. Continue reading Upgrading the vSphere CSI Driver (Storage Container Plugin) from v2.1.0 to latest


Using the vSphere CSI Driver with OpenShift 4.x and VSAN File Services

You may have seen my blog post “How to Install and configure vSphere CSI Driver on OpenShift 4.x“.

Here I updated the vSphere CSI driver to work the additional security constraints that are baked into OpenShift 4.x.

Since then, once of the things that has been on my list to test is file volumes backed by vSAN File shares. This feature is available in vSphere 7.0.

Well I’m glad to report it does in fact work, by using my CSI driver (see above blog or my github), you can simply deploy consume VSAN File services, as per the documentation here. 

I’ve updated my examples in my github repository to get this working.

OK just tell me what to do…

First and foremost, you need to add additional configuration to the csi conf file (csi-vsphere-for-ocp.conf).

If you do not, the defaults will be assumed which is full read-write access from any IP to the file shares created.


# run the following on your OCP cluster to get the ID 
# oc get clusterversion -o jsonpath='{.items[].spec.clusterID}{"\n"}'
cluster-id = c6d41ba1-3b67-4ae4-ab1e-3cd2e730e1f2

[NetPermissions "A"]
ips = "*"
permissions = "READ_WRITE"
rootsquash = false

[VirtualCenter ""]
insecure-flag = "true"
user = "[email protected]"
password = "Admin!23"
port = "443"
datacenters = "vSAN-DC"
targetvSANFileShareDatastoreURLs = "ds:///vmfs/volumes/vsan:52c229eaf3afcda6-7c4116754aded2de/"

Next, create a storage class which is configured to consume VSAN File services.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
name: file-services-sc
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "false"
provisioner: csi.vsphere.vmware.com
storagepolicyname: "vSAN Default Storage Policy" # Optional Parameter
csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: "nfs4" # Optional Parameter

Then create a PVC to prove it works. Continue reading Using the vSphere CSI Driver with OpenShift 4.x and VSAN File Services


How to Install and configure vSphere CSI Driver on OpenShift 4.x

Note2: December 2021 VMware released the Red Hat Certified Operator "vSphere Kubernetes Driver Operator", which is now the preferred and recommended way to install CPI and CSI in your OpenShift environment.
- Using the new vSphere Kubernetes Driver Operator with Red Hat OpenShift via Operator Hub

Note: This blog post was updated in February 2021 to use the new driver manifests from the Official VMware CSI Driver repository, which now provides support for OpenShift


In this post I am going to install the vSphere CSI Driver version 2.1.0 with OpenShift 4.x, in my demo environment I’m connecting to a VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC and vCenter, however the steps are the same for an on-prem deployment.

We will be using the vSphere CSI Driver which now supports OpenShift.

- Pre-Reqs
- - vCenter Server Role
- - Download the deployment files
- - Create the vSphere CSI secret in OpenShift
- - Create Roles, ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding for vSphere CSI Driver
- Installation
- - Install vSphere CSI driver
- - Verify Deployment
- Create a persistent volume claim
- Using Labels
- Troubleshooting

In your environment, cluster VMs will need “disk.enableUUID” and VM hardware version 15 or higher.

vCenter Server Role

In my environment I will use the default administrator account, however in production environments I recommend you follow a strict RBAC procedure and configure the necessary roles and use a dedicated account for the CSI driver to connect to your vCenter.

To make life easier I have created a PowerCLI script to create the necessary roles in vCenter based on the vSphere CSI documentation;

Download the deployment files

Run the following;

git clone https://github.com/saintdle/vSphere-CSI-Driver-2.0-OpenShift-4.git

vSphere CSI OpenShift git clone

Create the vSphere CSI Secret + CPI ConfigMap in OpenShift

Edit the two files “csi-vsphere.conf” + “vsphere.conf” with your vCenter infrastructure details. These two files may have the same information in them, but in the example of using VSAN File Services, then you may include further configuration in your CSI conf file, as an example.

# run the following on your OCP cluster to get the ID
# oc get clusterversion -o jsonpath='{.items[].spec.clusterID}{"\n"}'
#Your OCP cluster name provided below can just be a human readable name but needs to be unique when running different OCP clusters on the same vSphere environment.
cluster-id = "OCP_CLUSTER_ID"

[VirtualCenter "VC_FQDN"]
insecure-flag = "true"
user = "USER"
password = "PASSWORD"
port = "443"
datacenters = "VC_DATACENTER"

vSphere CSI with Openshift configure vSphere Secret in OpenShift

Create the CSI secret + CPI configmap;

oc create secret generic vsphere-config-secret --from-file=csi-vsphere.conf --namespace=kube-system

oc create configmap cloud-config --from-file=vsphere.conf --namespace=kube-system

To validate:
oc get secret vsphere-config-secret --namespace=kube-system
oc get configmap cloud-config --namespace=kube-syste

This configuration is for block volumes, it is also supported to configure access to VSAN File volumes, and you can see an example of the configuration here;

Remove the two local .conf files form your machine once the secret is created, as it contains your password in clear text for vCenter.

Install the vSphere CPI

Taint all OpenShift Nodes.

kubectl taint nodes --all 'node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized=true:NoSchedule'

Install the vSphere CPI (RBAC, Bindings, DaemonSet)

oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-vsphere/master/manifests/controller-manager/cloud-controller-manager-roles.yaml

oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-vsphere/master/manifests/controller-manager/cloud-controller-manager-role-bindings.yaml

oc apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-vsphere/raw/master/manifests/controller-manager/vsphere-cloud-controller-manager-ds.yaml

You can verify the installation by viewing the providerID for the nodes, which must reference “vSphere”.

oc describe nodes | grep "ProviderID"

vSphere CSI CPI OpenShift ProviderID

Install vSphere CSI driver

The driver is made up of the following components

  • CSI Controller runs as a Kubernetes deployment, with a replica count of 1.
  • For version v2.1.0, the vsphere-csi-controller Pod consists of 6 containers
    • CSI controller, External Provisioner, External Attacher, External Resizer, Liveness probe and vSphere Syncer.
Note: This example shows the newer driver manifests for vSphere 7.0 U1. 
Use the correct vSphere version manifests as per this link.

Create the CSI artifacts.

oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/vsphere-csi-driver/master/manifests/v2.1.0/vsphere-7.0u1/rbac/vsphere-csi-controller-rbac.yaml

oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/vsphere-csi-driver/master/manifests/v2.1.0/vsphere-7.0u1/deploy/vsphere-csi-node-ds.yaml

oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/vsphere-csi-driver/master/manifests/v2.1.0/vsphere-7.0u1/deploy/vsphere-csi-controller-deployment.yaml
Verify the deployment

You can verify the deployment with the two below commands

oc get deployments --namespace=kube-system

oc get CSINode
vSphere CSI oc get deployments oc get CSInode
Creating a Storage Class that uses the CSI-Driver

Create a storage class to test the deployment. As I am using VMC as my test environment, I must use some additional optional parameters to ensure that I use the correct VSAN datastore (WorkloadDatastore). You can visit the references below for more information.

In the VMC vCenter UI, you can get this by going to the Datastore summary page.

VMC get WorkloadDatastore VSAN URL

To get my datastore URL I need to reference, I will use PowerCLI

get-datastore work* | Select -ExpandProperty ExtensionData | select -ExpandProperty Info
vSphere CSI with Openshift Get VMC Datastore URL

I’m going to create my StorageClass on the fly, but you can find my example YAMLs here;

cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: csi-sc-vmc
    storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "false"
provisioner: csi.vsphere.vmware.com
  StoragePolicyName: "vSAN Default Storage Policy"
  datastoreURL: "ds:///vmfs/volumes/vsan:3672d400f5fa4515-8a8cb78f6b972f74/"
vSphere CSI with Openshift Create StorageClass
Create a Persistent Volume Claim

Finally, we are going to create a PVC. You can find my example PVC files at the same link above.

cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: example-openshift-vmc-block-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi
  storageClassName: csi-sc-vmc
vSphere CSI with Openshift PVC Created

You can see the PVC created under my cluster > Monitor Tab > Cloud Native Storage in vCenter.

vSphere CSI with Openshift PVC in vCenter Console

Using Labels

Thanks to one of my colleagues (Jason Monger), who asked me if we could use labels with this integration. And the answer is yes you can.

When creating your PVC, under metadata including your labels such as the able below. These will be pulled into your vCenter UI making it easier to associate your volumes.

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: csi-pvc-test
    volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: csi-sc-vmc
    appname: veducate
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 30Gi
vSphere CSI with Openshift PVC Labels

For troubleshooting, you need to be aware of the four main containers that run in the vSphere CSI Controller pod and you should investigate the logs from these when you run into issues;

  • CSI-Attacher
  • CSI-Provisoner
  • vSphere-CSI-Controller
  • vSphere-Syncer

Below I have uploaded some of the logs from a successful setup and creation of a persistent volume.

