Tag Archives: AWS

VMware Tanzu Header

Deploying Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to AWS fails with ‘InstanceProvisionFailed’

The issue

When deploying Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to AWS, the deployment was failing with the following output:

unable to set up management cluster, : unable to wait for cluster and get the cluster kubeconfig: error waiting for cluster to be provisioned (this may take a few minutes): cluster creation failed, reason:'InstanceProvisionFailed @ Machine/tkg-aws-mgmt-control-plane-dqb4v', message:'1 of 2 completed'
The Cause

When we reviewed the CAPA logs (Cluster API AWS provider) we found the following errors logged: Continue reading Deploying Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to AWS fails with ‘InstanceProvisionFailed’

vRA EKS Tanzu Mission Control Header

Using vRA to deploy AWS EKS Clusters and register with Tanzu Mission Control

This walk-through will detail the technical configurations for using vRA Code Stream to deploy AWS EKS Clusters, register them as Kubernetes endpoints in vRA Cloud Assembly and Code Stream, and finally register the newly created cluster in Tanzu Mission Control.


Tanzu Mission Control has some fantastic capabilities, including the ability to deploy Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters to various platforms (vSphere, AWS, Azure). However today there is no support to provision native AWS EKS clusters, it can however manage most Kubernetes distributions.

Therefore, when I was asked about where VMware could provide such capabilities, my mind turned to the ability to deploy the clusters using vRA Code Stream, and provide additional functions on making these EKS clusters usable.

High Level Steps
  • Create a Code Stream Pipeline
    • Create a AWS EKS Cluster
    • Create EKS cluster as endpoint in both Code Stream and Cloud Assembly
    • Register EKS cluster in Tanzu Mission Control
  • vRA Cloud access
    • The pipeline can be changed easily for use with vRA on-prem
  • AWS Account that can provision EKS clusters
  • A Docker host to be used by Code Stream
  • Tanzu Mission Control account that can register new clusters
  • VMware Cloud Console Tokens for vRA Cloud and Tanzu Mission Control API access
  • The configuration files for the pipeline can be found in this GitHub repository
Creating a Code Stream Pipeline to deploy a AWS EKS Cluster and register the endpoints with vRA and Tanzu Mission Control
Create the variables to be used

First, we will create several variables in Code Stream, you could change the pipeline tasks to use inputs instead if you wanted. Continue reading Using vRA to deploy AWS EKS Clusters and register with Tanzu Mission Control

VMware Tanzu Header

Tanzu Mission Control – Deploying TKG Clusters to AWS

This blog post will cover a technical walk-through on using Tanzu Mission Control to deploy Tanzu Kubernetes clusters to AWS.

The follow up blog posts in this series are:

Tanzu Mission Control 
- Getting Started Tanzu Mission Control 
- Cluster Inspections 
- Workspaces and Policies  
- Data Protection 
- Deploying TKG clusters to AWS 
- Upgrading a provisioned cluster 
- Delete a provisioned cluster 
- TKG Management support and provisioning new clusters
- TMC REST API - Postman Collection
- Using custom policies to ensure Kasten protects a deployed application
Using the AWS Hosted Management Cluster

In this example, we will use the default provided AWS Hosted Management cluster.

Alternatively, you can use the Tanzu CLI to provision a TKG Management cluster into AWS and attach this to Tanzu Mission Control.

Currently it is not supported to have a Management Cluster manage clusters across platforms.

  • I.e. Management Cluster in AWS that manages workload clusters in Azure.

To get started:

  1. Go to Administration
  2. Click the Management Clusters Tab
  3. Click on the “aws-hosted” cluster object name

TMC - Administration - Management Clusters

Create a provisioner

The default tab when selecting the “aws-hosted” management cluster object is the provisioner tab.

  • Click create provisioner

TMC - aws-hosted - provisioners - create provisioner

  • Provide a name for the provisioner
  • Click confirm

TMC - aws-hosted - provisioners - create provisioner - provide name

You will be taken back to your provisioner object which is created. Using the radio button to select the object will allow you to delete it. No other action is available.

TMC - aws-hosted - provisioners - provisioner created

Create the AWS account
  1. Click on accounts tab
  2. Click the “Create Account Credential” Button

TMC - aws-hosted - accounts - create account credential Continue reading Tanzu Mission Control – Deploying TKG Clusters to AWS